sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Find the flashcard

You have to place the flashcards around the class. The activity consists of telling one word of the ones studied and finding its flashcard. You can tell walk to "mum" or walk to "grandfather". You can make it more complex by telling if you are a boy, go to "mum" or if you are wearing a red sweatshirt go to "mum"...and so on.

How can it be used?

-To assess the progress of the students.
-To detect which children are having problems.
-To focus on listening skills.


-The whole class.
-Parts of the class (if you specify characteristics, depending on the instructions)

Be careful

The rules must be clear or they will run around the class and push each other.

Other uses: Maths (times by/divide by/ adding/ taking away)

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